Studio Spa SuiteLihat semua kamar
- AC
- Meja tulis
- Layanan kamar tiap hari
- Lemari es - Kulkas Bar
- Alat pemanas
- Setrika/ Papan Setrika
- Dilarang rokok
- Linen dan Handuk disediakan
- Tempat tidur Queen
- Televisi
- Telepon
- Spa
- Fasilitas Teh/Kopi
- Wireless Internet
- Linen disediakan
- Shower di atas bak mandi
- Shower di atas bak mandi/Spa
- Kulkas kecil
- Tempat bak mandi
- Microwave
Our Spacious Studio Spa Suite offers a queen sized bed, sofa, microwave, kettle, tea & coffee making facilities, wine bucket and wine glasses, crockery & cutlery, television, dining table and chairs, bar fridge and a generous sized corner spa, perfect for relaxing after a long day.
Please note; our Studio Spa Suite is located on the first floor
Complimentary onsite parking & wifi!